Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Playing catch-up

Let’s be honest, it's been far too long since I wrote. I have had the itch for a while but I just haven’t sat down between the chaos of being a newish mom of 4 now and the daily responsibilities of taking care of a home. **No excuse right**

The baby is sound asleep in my bed. Liam is actually still sleeping. The girls had a sleepover at my parents so the house is quiet and still. This is rare. Very rare. But, I will soak up every minute until I hear tiny 4 year old feet running down the hall.

Where do I even begin? What’s new you ask. Well my last post was in 2016 so there is so much change already. Let me do a quick update for you.

  • Its 2017 (like you didn’t already know- sometimes I forget)
  • We bought our first home in the Spring
  • We had baby #4 (delivered at home- that deserves its own blog post)
  • Nate got a new job closer to home
  • The twins graduated from Kindergarten
  • Liam turned 4 years old
  • I turned the BIG 30 in July!

Ok so the list doesn’t seem as long as I thought but I could add so many details to every bullet point. Next Monday will be the first day of school here. I almost feel guilty for being so excited. Who am I kidding no I don’t. The kids and I do much better with daily routine. I feel like when I get them back in the late afternoon from school we connect and value each other a bit more.

If you know me, you know I love lists. I like making lists and physically checking them off. It makes me feel accomplished. Have had daily to-do lists, weekly lists, shopping lists, and meal lists. (the list goes on haha) I am sure this school year will be no different. Without my Google calendar and my lists I am lost. Ask anyone, don’t count on me to remember anything.

I have so many goals and things I want to accomplish this school year. Not just for the kids but for me as well. I just saw an awesome IG post about building our children up. She stated how she just started daily affirmations with her children. I have been thinking about this for a while and what better time to start a new tradition then a new school year. The twins will be heading into 1st grade! An actual elementary school with kids up to 5th grade. I am so nervous for them. They will be exposed to so much.I want to start their day on a good note. As I drive/walk them to school around the corner everyday I want to remind them of who they are. Who they were born to be. Who they can become. Words can be so powerful. That’s one of the reasons I love writing. They can be positive or negative. They can heal. They can inspire. Create change. So that is one of my goals. Here are a few affirmations I think we will focus on for each day. Want to start doing these together? What are some other affirmations you would you in your home?

I promise months won’t go by without me posting again. Another goal of mine is to really build my blog this year. Share more of my heart and myself with all of you. Until next time friends! Have a great Wednesday everyone.